Cristian Ospina

Full Stack Web Developer

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Cristian Ospina

Full Stack Web Developer

I’m Cristian Ospina. I am a tech junkie and love the art of code. I love new challenges and learning new skills. I strive to do the best at what ever I challenge myself to do. I am competitive by nature. During my time of service in the US Marine Corps, I learned how to be an adaptive learner and welcome new challenges. I also learned the importance of team work. Being a tech enthusiast I always wanted to learn how to code. I attended Wyncode Academy in Miami, FL. An intense 10 week coding bootcamp. I graduated with a Full Stack Web Immersive certificate. I am currently looking for new and exciting opportunities!

My Skills

Languages, Frameworks, Libraries, and other tools I use

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Front End







Back End


Ruby on Rails

React on Rails



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My Projects

These are some projects I have worked on.


itoc is a ruby on rails web messaging app that uses geo location to find other users.

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One Source News

One Source News is a news aggregator app built on React. It fetches data from a news API and seperated by category.

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NBA League Standings

This was a fun ruby on rails app that ranks all the teams in the NBA from a season!

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